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General Medicine

One of the earliest department to start functioning currently, it consist of two senior consultants. After impatient ward rounds, out-patients are attended to daily from Monday to Saturday. O.P. appointment can be arranged in advance. After regular working hours, each consultant is available on call to attend to Emergencies of the need arises. There is a well equipped M.I.CU. And excellent support system , clinical laboratory. X–ray unit, ECG Unit, Pulmonary function Test, USG, are available round the clock.


Dr. Lethish Babu K.G

Consultant Physician
General Medicine

Dr. Jom Jacob Nellissery

MD, Physician
General Medicine

ഡോ. ലെനിൻ തോമസ്

MBBS, DNB(Medicine), F. Diab(UK), ഫിസിഷ്യൻ & ഡയബറ്റോളജിസ്റ്റ്
General Medicine